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Eric J. Taipale

I am a Canadian syndicated science writer and columnist who mainly writes on subjects relating to psychology and mental health sciences. My work has been published both online, in print, and in different languages—in New Scientist, Gehirn Und Geist, and Psychology Today. At Psychology Today, I write a column called “Young Minds and Crime,” which analyzes crucial topics pertaining to child and adolescent forensic psychology. During my time as a science writer, I have interviewed homicide and other violent offenders across the United States on subjects relating to developmental risk factors and crime-related characteristics. Since September 2023, I have been an undergraduate student at Queen’s University at Kingston, Ontario majoring in both psychology and sociology.


  • Bachelors of Arts, Honors (BA.H.), Majors: Psychology, Sociology (2023 - )
    Queen’s University, Kingston, ON

Professional Affiliation

  • American Psychology-Law Society (AP-LS) (2024 - )

  • International Society for the Study of Self-Injury (ISSS) (2024 - )

  • Society of Clinical Child and Adolescent Psychology (SCCAP) (2024 - )

  • American Psychological Association (APA) (2024 - )

  • Society for the Advancement of Psychotherapy (SAP) (2024 - )


  • Certificate of Completion for TCPS 2: CORE 2022
    Course on Research Ethics based on the Tri-Council Policy Statement: Ethical Conduct for Research Involving Humans (TCPS 2: CORE 2022)
    Panel on Research Ethics, Government of Canada

Research Interests

  • Sexual homicide offending; developmental risk factors for violence; scale development; inappropriate sexual behavior; personality pathology

Research Experience

  • Research Assistant (2024)
    Bully Lab, Queen’s University, Kingston, ON
    Supervisor: Dr. Wendy M. Craig, PhD, O.Ont, OC, FRSC

Tel: +1(647) 451-5547



The Open Notebook

Psychology Today


New Scientist

Gehirn & Geist


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